Looks Salon price list details for 2022 and 2023 are available here. Looks salon head office is in Karol Bagh, New Delhi and it has 85+ branches across Delhi and India including CP, Dwarka, Lajpat Nagar, Noida, Gurgaon, Mumbai and Bangalore.
Looks Salon price list in 2022 and 2023 starts from Rs. 350/- for child hair cut and Rs. 450/- for men’s hair cutting.
In this post I will give you all related information of rate list for Looks salon services.
Looks Salon Price List 2022 – 2023 Chart
Here are the details of price list for different services of Looks salon.
Looks Salon Services for Men with Price List
Services for Men | Price 2022 – 2023 |
Hair Cut | Rs. 450 – Rs. 600 |
Child Hair Cut | Rs. 350 |
Hair Wash | Rs. 150 |
Conditioner | Rs. 150 |
Wash & Condition | Rs. 250 |
Shave/Beard Trim | Rs. 200 – Rs. 250 |
Oil Massage | Rs. 450 |
Majirel Color | Rs. 800 |
Inoa Color | Rs. 1000 |
High Lightening/Streaking | Rs. 2500 |
Straightening/Rebonding | Rs. 3000 |
Perming | Rs. 1500 |
Hair Spa Treatment | Rs. 750 |
Looks Salon Services for Women with Price List
Services For Women | Price 2022 – 2023 |
Hair Wash | Rs. 200 |
Hair Conditioning | Rs. 200 |
Wash & Conditioning | Rs. 350 |
Hair Cut By Stylist | Rs. 750 |
Hair Cut By Senior Stylist | Rs. 1100 |
Hair Cut By Creative Head | Rs. 1500 |
Hair Cut For Child | Rs. 500 |
Fringe Cut | Rs. 300 |
Blow Dry | Rs. 450 |
Ironing | Rs. 500 |
Roller Setting | Rs. 650 |
UP Style | Rs. 1000 |
Smoothening | Rs. 2500 |
Rebonding | Rs. 6500 |
Note – These rates are just approximate, consult their for final rates.
Healthy Hair Tips For Men
I’m going to teach you how to go from dull and dry to smooth soft and healthy hair.
Keep in mind this will also help you grow your hair faster.
So if that’s the look you’re going for follow these 10 tips and you’ll be one step closer to your goal.
Tip number 1 – Don’t shampoo your hair
Every day i’ve said this many times but i still get a lot of questions about washing your hair.
Look you can wash your hair every single day if you need to but that doesn’t mean you should always shampoo so this is what I suggest shampoo only when you need to because it can be really harsh on your hair and scalp and strip away all the natural oils that you need for that healthy shine.
Especially if your shampoo is not sulfate free so I wash my hair four or five times a week but I only shampoo twice maybe three times a week.
Every other time I just use water and conditioner, trust me try that and your hair is gonna feel so much healthier especially if you tend to have dry hair.
Tip number 2 – Don’t be aggressive after you get out of the shower.
Don’t be aggressive on the towel drying just pat dry or you’re gonna end up losing a lot of hair because hair is extremely fragile and prone to breakage when it’s wet and for that same reason try not to brush your hair when it’s wet because this right here will tug and pull and that would be bad instead.
If you really have to you can use a wide tooth comb and this will do the job.
Tip number 3 – Don’t go to bed when your hair is still wet because we end up moving a lot at night and rubbing our heads against the pillow and that could also cause breakage.
If you do want to minimize the damage i’d suggest getting a silk pillowcase it’s a lot softer and won’t pull as much when you’re moving from side to side trying to find the best position to sleep in.
Tip number 4 – Get some argan oil, something that i’ve added to my routine and cannot live without is argan oil it makes my hair smell amazing.
It makes it soft shiny smooth so even when i travel i bring one of these with me.
Tip number 5 – Avoid dying or bleaching your hair and I say that because it contains chemicals like ammonia for example that can really damage your hair or even dry your scalp.
I’ve only dyed my hair once but i was so skeptical that i was going above and beyond what is needed to make sure my hair was healthy.
So if you’re gonna do it you can do it just be careful and follow all of these tips.
Tip number 6 – Be careful with sun damage, you know when you go out and you stay under the sun for a very long time and then your head gets really hot well guess what that is not good for your scalp.
So if you can try to stay under the shade for a little while if you know you’re gonna be out for a long time or if you can’t find any shade or you’re going to be out for a while.
You know just at least wear a hat to protect your hair and your scalp.
Tip number 7 – Trim your hair look regardless of what you do your hair is going to take a lot of damage just from your day-to-day routine.
If you’re letting it grow i get it only trim if you have to every three months or so but if you’re not remember to get a trim every few weeks because it gets rid of any damaged broken or split ends which you don’t want.
Tip number 8 – Find a good hair mask this is something that i started doing a lot more recently and trust me my hair has never felt better.
All right there’s a bunch of different masks you can try but the ones i recommend are the avocado masks because they’re super natural and very healthy.
Same for coconut oil masks which i do once a week because i tend to have really dry scalp and this really helps you basically just put it on your hair and then let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and then you can wash it off.
Tip number 9 is the easiest one of them all.
Let your hair breathe once in a while don’t do anything to it no clay no gel no pomade that way your hair can breathe and you can relax remember that stress is actually not good for your hair.
So you don’t want to get stressed out and lose all of it.
This post was about Looks Salon details and its price list in 2022 and 2023 with Chart.
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