Hair Smoothening price in Lucknow details are available here. Lucknow is city of Nawab and lots of girls/women prefer for hair smoothening there as this is the best way of making rough hair to the gorgeous look.
Hair smoothening price in Lucknow starts from Rs. 1990/- for normal type of smoothening and there are more options for advance care that may cost Rs. 8990/-.
In this post, I will provide you useful tips of hair smoothening and more details to make stylish and healthy hair.
Hair Loss and Smoothening Dull Causes
You know sometimes when you’re thinking I’m so stressed out, I think my hair is going to fall out that is exactly what happened to me.
I think I was so stressed that my hair began to fall out and like always I went on to this deep dive to figure out what’s going on and today I want to share my hair fall journey with you and how I combated it.
How I’m still kind of going through it and what are the products that helped me what are the practices that helped me what are the things that I’m still doing.
What I think was the cause for it i think i have it figured out so i will share all of that in more with you.
So what I do want to tell you guys is this is essentially my experience obviously and how I googled myself out of this problem.
If you are facing severe hair fall you feel like it requires medical attention I would suggest that you go and see a trichologist.
I’m going to start with how it all started, that’s funny around six to seven months ago I faced terrible hair fall.
I had never had it before I mean not in this way of course I have had hair fall postpartum twice but never in this way I was seeing visible thinning temples begin to recede clumps of hair falling.
I was so scared to even brush my hair because that’s the amount of hair that was falling.
I was just scared to touch my hair that’s when I realized that something is wrong and I need to do something about it this is not an ad script I mean it I genuinely felt horrible when I calmed down I realized I need to figure out what is the root cause pun intended of this hair fall because there’s always an underlying condition that leads to this kind of a physiological reaction.
Another thing I did was also identify what are those triggers both physical and mental that could be causing this hair fall because yes you need to identify what’s what are those habits that are not working for you in your day-to-day life but also what are those things that are probably stressing you out that’s causing your hair to actually fall.
How does stress really affect your hair can that really happen yes it can it’s a condition called telogen effluvium.
Now what is telogen effluvium?
Telogen effluvium is the name for a common cause of temporary hair loss due to the excessive shelling of resting or telogen hair after some shock to the system so what is this shock it could be physical or mental.
Now physical could be something like viral, the seasonal flu getting the jab and mental could be a mental trigger it could be anxiety panic, the loss of a loved one the stress of everything that’s around you essentially stress that is unexpected consistent or in short bursts and that’s the worst one because you always feel like you’re on the edge.
So what were those triggers for me, I personally feel it was the second jab combined with the stress of everything that was on my plate now the telogen effluvium was probably also caused by physical stress like overtraining yes that can happen when you’re over training you are putting yourself into a state of deprivation.
The body gets into a fight-or-flight mode and it cuts off the supply to everything that is non-essential for survival and hair does not make it on that list and I think what also made it worse was just general poor hair practices tying your hair too tight using the wrong kind of rubber band or not brushing your hair enough I mean I was so scared of brushing my hair but I didn’t realize it was counter productive because my scalp wasn’t getting enough blood circulation.
Here’s what I think worked in terms of products and practices so I followed a two prong approach one address hair fall by strengthening the roots and two encourage hair growth by feeding the follicles.
So the easy bits first I stopped tying tight ponytails with thin rubber bands tying your hair too tight can cause traction alopecia and that’s what causes the receding hairline because of the pull I swapped it instead by using silk or cloth rubber bands and tying it into a loose bun.
I took a little more time to towel dry my hair and I absolutely don’t comb my hair when it’s wet because the follicles are very delicate and I’m more prone to fallout I also trimmed my hair on the day of the full moon guys this sounds like absolute quackery but I’ve been doing it forever my mom told me about this and it is something in the farmer’s almanac.
The moon has a certain effect on the tide you can see that on the earth and it does also have an effect on us and our system and this is what I believe you cut your hair in the waxing stage your hair grows faster if you cut your hair during a waxing stage it actually grows slower and if you cut it on the full moon it strengthens the root and makes your hair grow thicker.
This post was about Hair Smoothening details and it’s price in Lucknow.
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